Attend STACC meetings
The Stansted Airport Consultative Committee (‘STACC’) is a statutory body, established to facilitate communication and consultation between Stansted Airport and those most affected by its operations, both positively and negatively. SSE is represented on STACC along with a selection of local district and county councillors, airport users, the aviation industry representatives, tourism and business organisations and other interested parties.
STACC meetings are held every three months, normally on the last Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Members of the public are welcome to attend STACC meetings, which take place in the Aerozone Facility at the airport starting at 2.00pm. SSE is keen to see local residents attending STACC meetings and showing an interest in airport-related issues.
Members of the public are not permitted to speak at STACC meetings except where they have submitted a question in advance. Questions need to be submitted at least five working days before any meeting. The simplest way of doing this is by email to
For more information about meetings, please go to our Events page.
Further information about STACC can also be found here on the STACC website and you can view the Guidelines for Airport Consultative Committees (April 2014) here.