5th October 2015

Departure route trials show improved track keeping at Stansted

Stop Stansted Expansion (‘SSE’) welcomes the recently announced consultation on the results of improved track keeping trials within two existing departure routes from Stansted Airport. These routes, known as Noise Preferential Routes, are the departure routes 22 Clacton and 04 Detling (previously called 04 Dover).

The trials undertaken with a number of participating aircraft have demonstrated that aircraft can consistently follow a more precise course. Stansted Airport says that by following the more precise flight paths on the 22 Clacton and 04 Detling routes, the participating aircraft directly overflew 85% fewer people compared to existing departure procedures.

The consultation is seeking views from the local community on the impact of these trials with the view to permanently adopting the trial procedures subject to the approval of the Civil Aviation Authority. The consultation closes on Friday 27 November 2015 and SSE is urging residents and local councils to respond to the consultation.

SSE’s position on any proposed change to flight paths is that there must be clear and compelling overall benefits for local residents before any changes are implemented. Furthermore, SSE cautions that when flight paths are changed there will inevitably be winners and losers. However SSE supports efforts that reduce the number of residents suffering from aircraft noise annoyance, provided this does not give rise to a disproportionate and unbearable noise impact upon the minority of ‘losers’.

SSE’s noise adviser Martin Peachey commented: “The Government’s environmental guidance for airspace up to 4,000ft is to minimise the noise impact of aircraft and the number of people significantly affected by it. The introduction of satellite-based precision navigational aids enable more efficient flight operations with associated benefits to communities living around airports and under flight paths. These trials have shown that it is possible to tailor flight paths to reduce the numbers of people currently overflown.”



View here the SSE guidance for Stansted Airport departure route trials consultation October 2015


Martin Peachey, SSE Noise Adviser – T 01279 870374; M 07803 603999; mfpeachey1@gmail.com
SSE Campaign Office, T 01279 870558; info@stanstedairportwatch.com

Campaigning to ensure Stansted Airport's authorised operations stay below harmful limits