23rd May 2017
Airport communities deliver Downing Street petition
Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) joined with representatives of communities around major UK airports including Heathrow, Gatwick and Luton to deliver a joint statement to 10 Downing Street yesterday [22 May 2017] demanding that the next government takes action to reduce aviation noise.
Local residents groups around all the UK’s major airports are seeking a new policy on aircraft noise and tougher regulation of the aviation industry that balances the interests of people living near airports and under flight paths with the demands of the industry for more and more flights.
The groups have formed a new body, ‘The Aviation Communities Forum’, to help deliver a united message to the government and the industry: aircraft noise is destroying communities up and down the country and must be tackled through far tougher government policy and regulation.
SSE noise adviser Martin Peachey said: “Anyone who lives near an airport expects some noise. However for far too long the aviation industry has been allowed to override the legitimate environmental interests of local communities, with more planes in the sky and flight path changes. Governments of all colours have been inclined to support the expansion of UK aviation regardless of the noise impacts on local communities. We are calling on the next government to strike a fairer balance by introducing tougher regulation of aircraft noise and flight paths.”
The photograph shows the statement being delivered to Number 10 by – left to right – Sally Pavey of Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign, Charles Lloyd of Aviation Communities Forum, John Stewart of Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise, Martin Peachey of Stop Stansted Expansion and Anna Sullivan-Jones of Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise.
A list of the 34 groups who signed the joint statement is available from SSE upon request. So also is a copy of the full statement delivered to No.10.
Martin Peachey, SSE, 01279 870374; (M) 07803 603999 mfpeachey1@gmail.com
SSE Campaign Office, T 01279 870558; info@stanstedairportwatch.com