What we do
Our team of volunteers, led by the SAW Executive Committee, work on a wide-reaching programme of activities, at community level and in specialist areas, aimed at seeking to minimise the harmful impacts of Stansted Airport’s operations which affect the quality of life of so many in the community.
In addition, although the threat of a second runway has receded – at least for the time being – we are always alert to the risk of these plans being resurrected. We therefore attach priority to working on longer term issues, often alongside other airport campaign groups and NGOs, aimed at persuading Government, the media and other influencers of the need to constrain the growth in aviation. The urgent need to tackle aviation’s damaging climate change impact is a key example of this.
Many initiatives – though not all – are the subject of press releases which appear in our Media Centre.
We have resolved to use all lawful measures necessary to achieve our objective including:
- Pursuing our vigorous campaign of publicity, lobbying and grass roots activities
- Increasing public awareness of the issues in order to gain support
- Making representations to government departments, local authorities, the City and other decision-makers and influencers
- Identifying and, where necessary, pursuing legal challenges
- Challenging inappropriate expansion proposals for Stansted Airport via the planning system
- Conducting and commissioning inquiries and research to support the campaign
- Building partnerships with like-minded organisations based on common ground
Our activities are supported through our communications campaign and events programme. If you’d like to do something to help, see our Support SAW page or contact our Campaign Office if you’d like to offer to volunteer.